
in oils, from life. Please scroll right to see more images.





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Cambridge Commons 2014 Outside Wigglesworth Hall, Harvard Yard 2014 The Yellowwoods Outside First Church, Cambridge 2014 Old Granary Burial Ground 2014 Kenmore Square 2013 Boston Commons 2013 Pedestrians, Boston Commons 2013 Harvard Yard 2013

Boston from the World Trade Center

2013 Boston from the World Trade Center 2013 Inman Street 2013 Boston from the Longfellow Bridge 2012
Public Gardens

Mass Ave
The Frog Pond, Boston Commons
The Olde Burying Ground, Cambridge
Public Gardens I
Public Gardens II

Public Gardens III

View from the Longfellow Bridge I
View from the Longfellow Bridge II
Fort Point
  Afternoon Sunlight Over the Charles

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    First landscape of 2014! I'm so excited.   Went to the Commons yesterday and set up near the State House. I got there around 10:15 and so had the opportunity to watch the vendors set up. Several trucks from Brookline Ice and Coal dropped off 50 pound bags of ice, then came back around 1 to deliver more.

Because of where I was standing I heard at least 20 different versions of tour bus spiels, since they’re all delivered over loudspeakers. Apparently Saint-Gaudens’ 54th Massachusetts Regiment memorial is the “favorite sculpture” of at least half the tour bus drivers in Boston; it is a very fine piece of sculpture. I also learned about Paul Revere’s involvement in the State House roof, over and over, and one guide in colonial garb said something like “This monument recalls the northern victory in the Civil War– any Southerners here? No? — we’re kicked their ass.” One bus tour guide said “This is the Massachusetts State House. Nothing gets accomplished here and everyone is corrupt” and I couldn’t stop myself from shouting out “Hey!”

I had a little time and a lot of paint left on my palette aftert doing the Boston Commons painting, and I felt guilty about not putting any pedestrians into the painting, so I also did the following one inch wide painting in the space of about five minutes. I got shooed out of Harvard Yard by an overzealous security guard. This was only the second time in 30 years of painting that I was told to vamoose. I had set up my easel and set out my palette but hadn’t actually started to paint, so I packed up and walked around the corner to this location, getting madder and madder all the time. I had my speech all ready in case another guard showed up (“I’m afraid you’ll have to arrest me. I’ll be happy to sue Harvard University for infringing on my First Amendment rights”), but of course it didn’t happen. The thing is, I’ve done half a dozen in the Yard over the years. Grr, I’m still fuming. I spent as much time on this cityscape as I have on anything in the past few years--eight hours over two days. The first, unfinished image gives a good idea of my approach to painting.         See comment under ther first 2010 Public Gardens painting.            


I was drawn back to the Public Gardens three times last year. That's it; there's nothing left there to paint.  


I ran out of time on this one. Instead of finishing it, I came back the following week with a larger canvas.